Wednesday 25 September 2013


Senate President David Mark has called for a novena prayers for a successful outing of the Super Eagles of Nigeria on October 12th 2013 World Cup qualifier with the Walia Antelopes Of Ethiopia.

Novena is a nine-day special prayers for specific purpose in the Catholic church. Senator Mark told his colleagues at the resumed plenary session of the Senate yesterday, that all prayer warriors and all men of goodwill should pray for Eagles because Nigeria cannot afford to miss the tournament in Brazil next year.
Besides hard work and dedication to national service he added that the team needs divine assistance to triumph over their counterparts.
Mark stressed: “I urge my colleagues to commence Novena prayers because we must participate in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil come next year.”
The Senate and indeed the National Assembly, he stressed would do the needful to ensure the success of the Nigerian team.
He reminded the Super Eagles and their handlers of team work and spirit as the needed elixir for victory.

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