Thursday 25 July 2013

Africa my africa
Africa of proud warriors in the ancestral savannahs
Africa my grandmother sings of
Besides her distant river
I have never seen you
But my gaze is full of your blood
Your black blood spilt over the field
The blood of your sweet
The sweet of your toil
The toil of slavery
The slavery of your children.
                                                  Africa, tell me Africa,
                                                  Are you the back that bends
                                                  Lies down under the weight of humbleness?
                                                 The trembling back striped red
                                                 That says yes yes to the sjambok on the roads of the noon?
                                                 Solemnly a voice answers me
                                                 ‘impetuous child, that young and sturdy tree
                                                  That tree that grows            
                                                  There splendidly alone among white and faded flowers
                                                  Is Africa, your Africa. It puts forth new shoots
                                                   Slowly its fruits grow to have
the bitter taste of liberty.’

                                                                                                David Diop

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