Monday, 27 May 2013

Common ThEmEs in AfRiCAn LifE Although traditional African religion varies widely from region to region and people to people, there are a number of things that they all have in common.
• All things in the universe are part of a whole. There is no sharp distinction be- tween the sacred and the nonsacred. • in most African traditions there is a Supreme Being: a creator, sustainer, provider, and controller of all creation. • Serving with the creator are a variety of lesser and intermediary gods and guardian spirits. These lesser gods are con- stantly involved in human affairs. People communicate with these gods through rituals, sacrifices, and prayers. • The human condition is imperfect and always will be. Sickness, suffering, and death are all fundamental parts of life. Suffering is caused by sins and misdeeds that off end the gods and ancestors, or by being out of harmony with society. • ritual actions may relieve the problems and sufferings of human life, either by satisfying the off ended gods or by resolving social conflicts. rituals help to restore people to the traditional values and renew their commitment to a spiritual life. • Human society is communal. Ancestors, the living, the living-dead, and those yet to be born are all an important part of the community. The relationships between the worldly and the otherworldly help to guide and balance the lives of the community. Humans need to interact with the spirit world, which is all around them.

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